I really can’t express how happy and excited I’ve been since finding your videos and FB. I’ve “tapped” since 1999, but have never felt as many “a-ha” moments as I do with your instructions. I feel like I’m experiencing a T-Tapp “rebirth” of sorts. Today, I did your video of the second half of T-tapp and it was great. I was spent, but happily spent. Time flew by so fast, I was kinda sad when I got to lawnmowers……I was in such a zone. I have never felt that way about the Total Workout and used to do it just to get it done. I had a love/hate relationship with it…..loved Teresa and the results but didn’t like how I felt doing it. I just want to let you know that I think you are a great T-Tapp trainer and so sweet to consider your students and their workout suggestions. ~Tonia M...
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By popular demand, this class was done to help students REALLY learn to feel their lower abs and strengthen their core! You can rent it HERE for the week!
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