LR – “I find T-Tapp an effective tool to exercise the full body when you have limited capability due to illness or time constraints”
I have been a dancer all my life. I even had the privilege of working at the Martha Graham Dance Company for several years before coming to the American Ballet Company. When you first showed me T-Tapp and told me that there was dance theory in it, I couldn’t believe how ” Graham-esque” it was and how SORE I was after just a 15-minute workout! Today, however, I have the full gamete, Fibro, Chronic fatigue, Chronic Epstein Bar and possibly other autoimmune disorders. While I’m just getting back on my feet, I find T-Tapp an effective tool to exercise the full body when you have limited capability due to illness or time constraints. AND while I’m sore the next day it doesn’t take me a week to recover like it does when I go to the gym. It seems to helps my FMS without bothering my CFIDS as much as other forms of exercise tends to do. It works because your doing movement in eccentric contraction, which causes more soreness the next day, but usually leaner muscle. I describe it as dance meets Pilates meets calisthenics. You were right, Kiona. If I am having a flare, I can’t do yoga or anything else, but I can usually make it through the 15 minute Basic Workout unless it is really bad. But it is way more than what I have been able to do in the last year.
You don’t know what it means to me to find a way to move this body again in a way that doesn’t kill me. I did the full tape earlier this week for the first time. I was sore, but didn’t have the fever, swollen glands and thyroid the next morning. Yeah! I’m finally on an upswing (thanks to this and my new doctor!). Maybe I’ll even dance again! Many, many thanks!
LR- New York, NY
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