Kim M – “…my migraines have been less severe and less frequent…”
I wanted to let you know how great I have felt after each of the three sessions [of your Mini-Clinics] I attended, and how much I enjoyed the series. It’s certainly been the most valuable fitness instruction I’ve ever received, and I would love to go to anything you ever do here in No. VA in the future.
I also want to share that my migraines have been less severe and less frequent in the past two weeks or so. Although I’ve been making other big changes in order to control them (the meds I take, being very strict about avoiding foods that are known triggers, and basically a total Attitude Overhaul!), I can’t help but think that T-Tapp has played a role in the relief I have been getting. Thanks, again, for helping me start transforming my body into what I envision for myself, both in how it looks and how it feels, health-wise. If you hadn’t been as knowledgeable and enthusiastic in teaching us, I know for sure that I wouldn’t be as excited about it as I truly am. And for me to say that is big– my friends and family know that my approach is usually “why stand, when I can sit? And why sit, if I can LIE DOWN?!!”
Kim M- Falls Church, VA
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