Jan – “T-Tapp has returned to me a great range of motion”
Several years ago, I realized that I had to get back to the gym and get exercising regularly. I met Kiona in the gym where I was teaching and she introduced me to T-Tapp and her local weekly class. Here was a no-impact (and strangely, no-music) course guaranteed to make me lose inches and tone up. I was in a class with people who would never cut it in a high impact class and all of us saw changes not only in our figures, but in our abilities. This class raised my energy levels, tightened up my lose skin and relaxed tight muscles. The latter was very important for me, because I noticed that I was losing my range of motion, especially in my neck and shoulders. When I would back out of a parking place in my car, it was difficult to turn my head enough for a good view. T-Tapp has returned to me a great range of motion. Another interesting thing about the T-Tapp work-out is the shortness of the videos, sometimes a work-out is just 15 minutes long, and yet, the slightly sore muscles and the sweat are a testament to the exertion one undergoes.
Jan from Maryland
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